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Enigma Review

Watch the video Review of Enigma by Dawud Islam from the Elite Tigers Group HERE. This is a very time sensitive new release from Jono Armstrong and Brendan Mace, as it reveals how to hack a flaw in the Facebook algorithm which then allows you to siphon off literally hundreds of thousands of free visitors to your affiliate, e-commerce or CPA offers. It works by downloading an existing FB viral video that has hundreds of thousands of views, and then applying the hack using the secret software and website BEFORE the video has finished downloading. You can then re-upload the video back to your own FB page and legally siphon off all of that free traffic. There are no guarantees how long it will be before FB discovers and fixes this loophole, but our estimates are anywhere between 2 weeks – 2 months. So, my advice would be to work flat out using this method during the available window, as it goes without saying that the huge amount of free traffic it will generate for you will enable you to monetize any offer to a level that you have never been able to before. See my review video for full details, a demo and a walkthrough of the members area, and also check out my custom bonuses including 3 that I have never offered before. Elite Tigers Group rating 5*/5.

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